Sunday, January 13, 2013

Game 2 - 13/1/13 v Western Australia

The mercury got down to 16 degrees for the start of today's 9.30am game at Waurn Ponds, Geelong. Amazingly, no wind to report, other than plenty of parent pre game chatter. Summer in Victoria is some sort of cruel adventure. Playing Western Australia in the first leg of today's double header, the boys were well aware of the importance of the game. A win would position them very positively in terms of finishing in the top four...a loss no disaster, but a psychological advantage would be lost.

What they were not aware of was the way this match would turn.

With the starting line up of Myrmell (pitching), Barbaro (catching), Hunt (1B), Lindsay (2B), Frew (SS), Holt (3B), Percival (RF), McCallum (CF) and Bohan (LF), the team could not have been stronger. However before long, the darkening look of the swarming clouds spoke loudly about the standard of our pitching. Pitching that promised much and delivered little. Julia Gillard style.

Myrmell struggled, leaking three runs and walking a few. Western Australia skipped away to a 3-0 lead and with it our chances were suddenly and unexpectedly dented. A string of replacement pitchers were summonsed from the bench, clearly against our team plans. No panic, but in the Panic Grand Final.

Sam Gulieri pitched well. Controlled and purposeful. Positive and reserved. However the assignment did not last long with double headers looming and pitchers' arms more precious than a jumper in Geelong. A booming home run off our gun pitcher Brad Simon signalled an opponent who was better prepared and more hungry. Then Issac Whatson pitched courageously and tidily, but was punished heavilly for the occasional loose delivery. His two baulks added insult to injury. Soon there was a decided lack of salt for our numerous and terminal wounds.

Our infield by comparison was silent. Charlie Chaplin was the only one missing. We missed half chances, got a terrible call from the umpire after James caught a fly ball and then threw out a runner at third base only for the umpire to signal 'safe' at a key moment in the fabric of the game. The umpire was immediately dispatched to OPSM. The crowd wanted the gallows instead. We also had five batters hit by pitches - including Adam Barbaro who took a sickening blow to the temple while batting and was ushered off to Geelong hospital. Their pitching was far from brilliant. His recovery will be slower than he was that sort of day.

With bat in hand we were mightily disappointing. Not one of our top six bats got a hit. Plenty of pop up catches for their infield and rusty gate swinging. Two hits only to their eleven. One to Bohan who looped one to left field and one to a replacement player Eckberg who hit with reckless courage through short stop. Both happened late in the game. A horse was seen bolting nearby.

James also hit and got on base, but due to a shocking air swing from their first baseman, it was justifiably deemed an error and did not count for him. He was again hit by a pitch in his first at bat, and was caught at right field in the last of his three at bats. A few hits from him could start to set a better tone across the line up too.

He took three catches and made some strong plays from centrefield. He was positive and determined, but we were never in the game.

Regretably, there was a decided lack of spirit and drive. A couple sulking. One moping. The team selectors will sift through this for the second of our games later tonight. Expect changes. Warmer weather would be handy, but WA would have felt this more than us.

Eventually it ended 13-2. A loss is a loss, but the nature of this embarrassing 'mercy' loss (imposed mandatorily when an opponent is ten runs ahead after five innings) was striking.

Canteen lines were shorter than usual as parent generosity evaporated. Fold up chairs did not fit so easily into their bags and brothers and sisters sat in cars happily making earlier than usual exits from the field.

Much pride is on the line against competition favourites, Queensland, tonight. They will need to be busier than a one legged tap dancer....or a bricklayer in Kabul.

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