Saturday, January 19, 2013

Grand Final - 20/1/13 v Western Australia

The Grand Final against WA was played under sunny skies with a breath of wind, gusting enough at times to reveal the whole Australian Flag on the left field fence. Diamond 1 typically brought out the best in our boys. Fingers and toes were crossed. The red of Perth's fans extended on one side of the stands, before the crisp NSW blue took over on the other. It was a vocal, loud crowd intent on victory and appreciative of both sides. A re-match of sorts from the U/14 Australian Championships Grand Final of 2011.

Our starting line up was largely unchanged from the Final - Simon (pitcher), Barbaro (catcher), Whatson (1B), Hunt (2B), Frew (SS), Myrmell (3B), Bohan (LF), Percival (CF) and Tsui (RF). Again James was the designated hitter (DH), a strategy that had been employed elsewhere in the tournament but not with any great acclaim. Sometimes involving those who can inspire belief and confidence from the outset, propels the team to greater heights. We needed that belief and experience today.

A nervous start was expected against high quality pitching on the biggest stage at this age as baseballers. However, it is always easier from the stands and his job was clear today. Unfortunately, James and Dan Myrmell were soon struck out before James Percival made a catching error at centre field that proved costly. Significantly, two runs resulted from this catching error into the swirling, unpredictable wind.

We started against them with our fast ball pitcher, Brad Simon. Accomplished and our best, yes. However, we had proven that they dislike the off speed junk, yet persisted. With success it must be said. We struggled through the early few innings and clung to 1-2 deficit. Brad did a grand job really pitching beyond five innings. He is a boy of power and brute force. He pitched a wonderful series of innings. No complaints from him. Methodical. Clinical.

The truth of the matter in playing Western Australia is that they come from the heat where hard grounds and bouncy decks are their chocolate. Things are fast there. The WACA, their beer taps, their animals and the road out of there. They were sweating on our pitching change. Pre game they had privately spoken to a few of us about their fears of our pitching and bad memories from 2011.

Instead, WA were throwing off speed and frustrating us. Dan Myrmell though bounced back today. His sunnies complete his movie star looks - with a game to match. He has not pitched to his ability in this tournament but started our great batting run mid tournament. He is a powerful player who needs space and sometimes time. His importance to the team was critical. And so was his positivity.

Brad's efforts were ended at 1-2, deep into the game and Sam Gulieri came from the bullpen. He had had a great tournament, but today Sam was not on song. He came in under immense pressure and in his brief assignment, got one out but gave up four runs and three hits. Suddenly we were 1-6 down and in the blink of an eye we were up against it with time short.

The fat lady had thrown the pancho off and complete with leg warmers and skivvy, she was shuffling to the microphone. James was brought on belatedly as the compensation package and did the job quickly. Was there a sighting of Harold Holt? Too late.

To be straight, he was needed after Brad finished. He has done that business many times before and was our best option in the circumstances - and a left hander - against an opposition easily perplexed. Convincing others who mattered is another story. The lessons of the State Cup final were not learned. Parent or no parent, it was well known by WA that he would trouble them as Lindsay and Hunt had previously. As it was, he got us out of the innings but before long, our game was done with no final innings required.

We had promised more than Kevin Rudd. Sadly, we delivered what he did. A 6-1 defeat was the final score.

Perhaps the team's grand support of the NSW U/18's (who won their tournament today) well into the night before a Grand Final - while noble - took sheen and energy from our performance. To make a Grand Final is one thing, but we did not turn up today for a haircut. We were after gold and did not get it. The self satisfied go no further.

In the end, we had also fielded poorly. Overthrown plays at first, dropped catches in the outfield. Mackenzie's dropped catch summed up our day. Half chances ruined by lack of mobility and lack of concentration. Poor base running. The hamburger with the lot. Our hitting was not good either, Dean Frew aside. James was struck out twice today and did not hit. Not good enough at this level. He had plenty of friends in that sphere. We simply failed to deliver after such a good tournament and a better performance was expected. Spilt milk. 


As part of the tournament, an "All Star" team is selected at the closing ceremony from all the boys across the tournament. James Percival, Ben Hunt, Sam Gulieri and James McCallum were selected from New South Wales. A grand acknowledgement.

James finished with an average of .382 from 34 at-bats, 19 runs scored, 13 hits, 3 doubles and four home runs, 13 RBI's and 28 total bases.

He hit the most home runs in the tournament (4), was the fifth highest in runs scored and total bases. He was also in the top ten fielders with no errors. His pitching - 4.1 innings only - ended with an ERA of 6.23. More successfully pitched innings would lower this, but this was not to be.

A tournament like this may underline a strength or two in a player, but it also reveals weakness and areas needing immediate improvement. For James, there are plenty of these. He knows it better than any of us. A career decision as whether he is a pitcher or a hitter is needed too. He wants to play, so hitting appears to be it.

From here, the boys return to their club ball - where it all began. Australian Baseball Academies and national teams and the like are all out there. White noise really.

What drives a young man to be better? To grow, thrive and prosper as a better person and better player? We will find out.


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